The Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, has just said something we should all pay attention to regarding Russian election influence operations.
“We sort of should have seen this coming.”
No kidding! Many of us did (CTOvision readers had plenty of pontification on this including the sternly titled: Clear And Unambiguous Warning: Cyber Attacks Will Likely Occur On Election Day And May Threaten Our Constitutional System).
For more on what McCabe had to say, as well as great context from White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Rob Joyce, see:
FBI Chief on Russian Election Hacking (WTVR) .
But more importantly, think of what is coming next not only from the Russian’s but other state and non-state actors in cyberspace. The best way to do that is to track it daily. Sign up for our OODA Daily Pulse and in just minutes a day you can stay up to speed on what the community is tracking regarding cyber threats.
We also provide an introduction to cyber threat actors, their history and capabilities in our book The Cyber Threat (updated for 2017). This book is aimed at the non-technical leader who needs to know more about cyber adversaries. Not sure if FBI leaders have read it, but something tells me they could use a copy! Ha!
And also consider what action you can take right now to increase your defenses, including the defenses of your computers at home and at work. All indications are that your continued attention to things cyber will be required.
Related Reading:
FBI vs Apple: Context from a cyber law perspective