The report of the President’s Commission on Enhancing Cybersecurity has just been posted to the White House Website. You can download the report here).
My quick thoughts:
- If you are a technologist or a security expert or have been tracking security issues, you can skip the first 10 pages. You know the state of things. This section is not meant for you.
- The recommendations of the report are well thought out and worth you slowing down and reading carefully.
Most all of the recommendations require action by the new administration. But those of us in industry and academia can help here too. So can Congress.
I’ve reviewed all the recommendations and can see the wisdom of what is being suggeted here. I would like to have seen one other recommendation, a meta-recommendation, that makes it clear that the most important thing any of us can do to enhance security is to take responsibility for our own IT. Maybe that was implied here. But I would have liked to see that hit head on. But still, call me a supporter of the report and its recommendations.